Tapioca Flour Crespelles (Italian Crepes)


An Italian version of a crepe used for sweet and savory dishes.

In this recipe, I chose to use Tapioca Flour as I would All-Purpose.

I have made these a few times with much success.

You can make them any size you prefer, I prefer them rather like the smallest tortillas you might buy in the store.

You also fill them as you would a manicotti. I like mine with ricotta, Italian shredded cheese, and some spinach.

Here is the quick recipe: Makes 8-10 Crepes (dependent on size and thickness)

1 1/4 Cup Tapioca Flour

2 Eggs

Salt as needed

3/4 Cup Milk

1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

And olive oil for coating your frying pan

A Bowl, Fork, Egg Pan

Mix your wet ingredients and add them gradually to the tapioca flour, it will clump up. I use a fork and continue until there are no small lumps. Ensure to scrape the bottom of the bowl as the Tapioca tends to settle. Then you refrigerate the mixture for about 1 hour. Stirring again before getting ready to cook.

Take a small egg pan like the one pictured here:



Rub a bit of olive oil with a paper towel inside the pan. Heat to medium heat.

Using the refrigerated mixture (remember to stir it up), Pour a small coating into the bottom of the pan. The more you pour in the thicker the Crespelle will end up being. The key is a balance of batter that is not too thin but is thick enough to hold the filling and roll up. Cook on each side about 2 minutes using a fork to turn. Some people prefer it a bit brown, I prefer it more of the right before it begins to brown.


Stack them on top of each other they won’t stick together. Fill with your favourite filling whether it be ricotta or a meat mixture.

8 oz ricotta cheese

1/3 Cup Shredded Italian Cheese

2 tsp. Italian Seasoning

Handful of Spinach Wilted in Boiling Water


Bake at 375, Filling the Crespelles and rolling them up. Place your choice of pasta sauce in the bottom of baking dish. Add filled crespelle, top with a little more sauce and Shredded Cheese. Bake for 20 minutes.

You can also prep and roll Crespelles, put them in Ziploc bags to be frozen. They make really great make-ahead meals.

Enjoy the opportunity to eat something yummy without the added gluten.


With using Tapioca Flour there is a lot more stretch in the bite. Imagine melted cheese stringing away, thats what the taste/texture feels like.



Crock-pot/ Slow Cooker December: Crock-pot Pot Roast

If you read my previous post. You will know it’s Crock-pot/Slow Cooker December, where I share with you my favorite and delicious recipes that are for as you guessed the Crock-Pot.

I am a busy lady these days. Lots of community programs and things I will be involved in the next few weeks. My parents are also flying in next weekend, so I have to make sure my house is very tidy. This is where the  Crock-pot comes in handy. Little to no time to prep? Crock-pot. Don’t want so slave over a hot stove? Crock-pot. Have company coming and don’t want to mess up the kitchen? Crock-pot.  As I said a lot of these reasons are reasons I typically use my Crock-pot. If you do not have a Crock-pot, you can do most of the recipes in a Slow cooker over the stove or in the oven.

Crock-pot Pot Roast: Mmmm, let the fork hit meat!

Pot Roast Recipe


Before I start with my spiel, I will say invest in this before starting nay recipe in your crockpot:

unnamedYup. They make slow cooker liners. Which makes everyone’s lives much easier. All you do when it’s all gone, is pick up the bag and dispose of it. Super Easy! Then you have little to no dishes to clean up. Hate Scrubbing the crockpot that has major gunk on the bottom?  Slow Cooker Liners!

No I am not getting paid to endorse that, but it’s awesome. (Maybe they should)

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Prep Your Vegetables. Sear your roast. Place the roast in the Crock-pot.  Use the fat you seared the meat in to saute the vegetables. Add wine and reduce to Au Sec (means nearly dry), Add in broth and Spices.

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Pour into Crock-Pot. Put Crock-Pot on low for 8 hours. Halfway through add chopped Potatoes.

Serve over rice.




Crock-pot/Slow Cooker December


Howdy followers and readers. Or should I say Merry Christmas. It’s that time of year again! Lights, music, Mall Santa‘s, of course awesome recipes. I decided this month, since I have a lot on my plate to preview some of my favorite crock-pot/slow cooker recipes. If you are like me, you have relatives arriving in a week, with several other Christmas events in the community you must also be prepared for. So let’s commence Operation Crock-pot/Slow Cooker December. With some other recipes thrown in there for kicks.


A lot can be had with that pot you plug into the wall. And with little to zero prep. If you don’t have a crock-pot, these recipes can be adapted to be slow cooked on the stove or in the oven. Don’t you worry your pretty little head. You will truly love these recipes. You will believe the kitchen Elves came in while you weren’t looking and made a gourmet meal.

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Just a hint: but that bag is the best thing ever. Requires little to no cleanup for you. Hence why Crock-Pot/Slow Cooker Recipes are so awesome.


Prepared to be awed. Check out my next post: Crock-pot Pot Roast!

I will be making a category solely for Crock-pot/Slow Cooker Recipes just for your ease and comfort.

If you have any requests in mind, please email me or comment here.

bbalthaser23@gmail.com (I welcome the Spam lol)




My Best Potato Soup (It could be yours, too)

Bowl of Soup

Isn’t it Purrrtyy? (In my best southern accent)

Potato Soup GO!

Finally had the opportunity to use my parsley. See those green things in my soup!

Alright, Potato Soup is easy, but you need to know a few things. Adding Milk and Cream to soups can turn into a disaster if you don’t control your heat. Make sure you veggies are all about the same size, so they can cook evenly. And don’t forget to season as you go. You may end up with bland potato blah.

Recipe Card

Trying to be consistent with the style of the recipe card.

This is where I start my spiel on be careful with your knives. I managed to get a big boo boo on my finger. Not the first or the last. But Dang it does hurt.

I used half and half instead of cream because I had it in my fridge.

You can substitute chicken stalk, and bacon. If you prefer a more vegetarian option. Use olive oil or some other oil. Whatever you prefer.

Just know that if you leave out Milk and cream you are not going to have as creamy of a product as you expect.

potatoesCelery Carrots onions

Prep all your Veggies, and cook your bacon!





Set Your Bacon Aside. Pour some of the grease out, You only need a little.





veggies saute veggies cleaning up the pot addition of wine Potatoes and water Boil






Saute the Veggies, (note that your bacon may leave a bit of bits on the bottom, sauteing should clear it up, if not that wine will do it. Splash the wine and cook til it evaporates. Add Broth, Potatoes, and fill remaining with water 3/4 way to the top. Bring the pot to a boil. 10 minutes or so until tender.

Milk and Flour Add flour Blend soup blended readd






Whisk together milk and flour. Add to the pot, bring to about medium heat. To cook out the flour mixture. Take several scoopfuls of soup and place in a blender. Blend to a smooth texture. Add back to the Pot and Stir.

parsley minced parsley


Lower the Temperature to low, add cream, and allow a few minutes to cook.  Do NOT bring this to a boil. It will scald.

Add a handful of minced parsley and stir.

Serve with crumbled bacon and grated cheese.


Enjoy the soup. Serve with some bread and butter.