Crock-pot/ Slow Cooker December: Crock-pot Pot Roast

If you read my previous post. You will know it’s Crock-pot/Slow Cooker December, where I share with you my favorite and delicious recipes that are for as you guessed the Crock-Pot.

I am a busy lady these days. Lots of community programs and things I will be involved in the next few weeks. My parents are also flying in next weekend, so I have to make sure my house is very tidy. This is where the  Crock-pot comes in handy. Little to no time to prep? Crock-pot. Don’t want so slave over a hot stove? Crock-pot. Have company coming and don’t want to mess up the kitchen? Crock-pot.  As I said a lot of these reasons are reasons I typically use my Crock-pot. If you do not have a Crock-pot, you can do most of the recipes in a Slow cooker over the stove or in the oven.

Crock-pot Pot Roast: Mmmm, let the fork hit meat!

Pot Roast Recipe


Before I start with my spiel, I will say invest in this before starting nay recipe in your crockpot:

unnamedYup. They make slow cooker liners. Which makes everyone’s lives much easier. All you do when it’s all gone, is pick up the bag and dispose of it. Super Easy! Then you have little to no dishes to clean up. Hate Scrubbing the crockpot that has major gunk on the bottom?  Slow Cooker Liners!

No I am not getting paid to endorse that, but it’s awesome. (Maybe they should)

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Prep Your Vegetables. Sear your roast. Place the roast in the Crock-pot.  Use the fat you seared the meat in to saute the vegetables. Add wine and reduce to Au Sec (means nearly dry), Add in broth and Spices.

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Pour into Crock-Pot. Put Crock-Pot on low for 8 hours. Halfway through add chopped Potatoes.

Serve over rice.




Crock-pot/Slow Cooker December


Howdy followers and readers. Or should I say Merry Christmas. It’s that time of year again! Lights, music, Mall Santa‘s, of course awesome recipes. I decided this month, since I have a lot on my plate to preview some of my favorite crock-pot/slow cooker recipes. If you are like me, you have relatives arriving in a week, with several other Christmas events in the community you must also be prepared for. So let’s commence Operation Crock-pot/Slow Cooker December. With some other recipes thrown in there for kicks.


A lot can be had with that pot you plug into the wall. And with little to zero prep. If you don’t have a crock-pot, these recipes can be adapted to be slow cooked on the stove or in the oven. Don’t you worry your pretty little head. You will truly love these recipes. You will believe the kitchen Elves came in while you weren’t looking and made a gourmet meal.

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Just a hint: but that bag is the best thing ever. Requires little to no cleanup for you. Hence why Crock-Pot/Slow Cooker Recipes are so awesome.


Prepared to be awed. Check out my next post: Crock-pot Pot Roast!

I will be making a category solely for Crock-pot/Slow Cooker Recipes just for your ease and comfort.

If you have any requests in mind, please email me or comment here. (I welcome the Spam lol)




Chili With Beans (dried beans, rehydrated)

Comfy cozy Dinner. Let’s face it people, it’s cold outside. Well, it is here in Germany. Winter is making it’s presence known this year, very early.


My favorite meal when it’s cold is Chili with Cheese accompanied with Corn Bread, drizzled with honey. Makes a girl happy.  See Next post for cornbread recipe.

Recipe Card

So remember to start soaking your beans the night before. I’m still iffy if my chili is going to be ready for dinner. (crossing fingers, I have been soaking them since yesterday afternoon).  They aren’t tender yet.

You can use canned beans the day of.  I am trying to limit my waste a bit more and save a buck.  Yes, I did use canned tomato sauce and tomatoes, but I am going for practical here.


I normally make my own chili spice, but seeing as I just recently came home, I still need to do a pantry/spice cabinet inventory. (You can also use the pre-made packages)

There are no rules on how you put this together, I usually start throwing things into the crock pot. Beans, Meat and Onion.

meat and onions adding things 2 adding things

Adding spices, tomato stuff, and then water.


See my giant transformer (the silver box) it powers my mixer and sometimes my slow cooker. Hulking thing.

See, what a girls gotta do when you live in Germany and have American Appliances:

Cook on High til those beans are tender, fork tender.  I will update this post with a photo once it does finish. Don’t forget my following post for corn bread that goes with the chili. If you have honey set that on the table. Don’t forget the cheese and cracker for the chili. What do you top on your chili?

Take the leftover chili, put into freezable container, allowing the chili cool time before actually putting it in the freezer. This recipe makes more than enough for two people. So I take the extra and freeze it, for another day when I don’t want to cook. It’s all about being thrifty and practical.

Honey and Garlic Chicken Thighs (Slow Cooker Recipe)

Easy Peasy Recipe!

I took about 12 chicken thighs, put them in a pot.

Cover them with

2./3 cup of honey

3/4 Cup Heinz Chili Sauce

1 cup Soy Sauce

Several TBS of Minced Garlic


Cook in a slow cooker on high for 6 hours.


In an Oven in a large enough pot that the chicken is in one layer.  at 325 degrees for 3-4 hours.  cover with foil, making sure to crinkle at sides, so no steam escapes. Don’t open for at least 2 hours after beginning cooking.


Serve over rice