Garlic and Rosemary Roasted Chicken with Roasted Potatoes

Roasted Chicken
I do love a great Roasted Chicken. Especially one with Rosemary and Garlic. Very Aromatic Herbs and Spices make a cold day better.

I am accompanying it with Roasted Potatoes (with the same herb Blend)

1 Whole Roaster Chicken (typically comes already prepped)
Half an Onion
4-5 Cloves of Garlic (minced)
2-3 Tbsp. Chopped Fresh Rosemary
2-3 Tbsp. Olive Oil

Preheat oven to 425 degrees
Place the chicken on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil (Keeps things clean)

Chicken with onion

Put the onion in the cavity of the Chicken. (Just for flavor)

Rosemary Minced Garlic

Mince the garlic and finely chop the rosemary. Mix in a bowl with the olive oil, and Rub all over the chicken.

Put in the preheated Oven, Cook until Crispy Brown on top. You can choose to use a thermometer, put it in the thickest part of meat (typically the thigh), until the temperature reads 165 . About an Hour (depends on the oven)

Potatoes in a Medium Dice (I say 1 per person), mix with minced garlic and rosemary (onions, too if you like), add enough olive oil to coat potatoes. Place in a metal pan. Cook for 20-25 minutes, towards the end of the chicken being almost done.

Save your bones and fat. And Make your own stock.

Don’t forget to make a wish on the Wishbone.

Hope you enjoy the meal as much as we did.

Look back tomorrow for Chili (using dried beans, hydrated) cornbread, and muffins.

Chicken Cordon Bleu Family Style (Not the fancy schmansy version)

This is not your regular old Chicken Cordon Bleu that is perfectly rolled, typically breaded…. This was a dish made by request from my in-laws. I have made this previously for them, although this time I called my brother (he makes it too, probably better than I).  I changed a few things with my original to meet “his” my brother’s recipe.

Since, this was family style, I really wasn’t concerned on perfecting a specific shape, you shouldn’t either. As long as it plates up and eats well, your all good. Being in a small town has its drawbacks,  Havarti Cheese and Prosciutto are difficult to find. I substitute it for something everyone can find, thinly sliced deli ham, and thin Swiss cheese. Don’t feel you have to have the exact products to make a delicious Cordon Bleu. Don’t be afraid to substitute.

Rave reviews from everyone who ate it.


Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts

Thinly Sliced Deli ham

Thinly sliced Swiss Cheese

1 Large Can of Cream of Mushroom Soup



I didn’t have a mallet, YOU DONT NEED A MALLET!  Use the bottom of a heavy glass or a small frying pan to pound out the chicken pieces. Don’t worry not every piece will look pretty nor will the be without holes. If you have something you need to vent about, use the glass….it’s very therapeutic.


Once you have all your chicken relatively thinned. Prep you ham and cheese, I took each slice of Swiss cheese and halved them. The ham I pulled into smaller pieces.


Begin with taking the chicken and placing a piece of cheese and ham in the middle. Roll and fold meat in as best you can. Place in a casserole dish. As you add more to the dish the chicken shouldn’t unravel and will stay together. Pack together.



I mixed the can of Cream of Mushroom Soup in a bowl with various spices. Added it to the top of the chicken, making sure to evenly spread it out over the entirety.



Not much of a color change. Use tongs to pull the meat out, it will not fall apart if you were able to maintain a good roll, initially. Top with sauce from the casserole dish.

Voila! Dinner!

Hope you enjoyed this. I shall be returning to Germany next week. My posts will be increasing again. Fall/Autumn Baking is coming up. Let me know how this dish works for you. And check out my Facebook page for more personal one on one cooking tips/techniques.


Apron Strings Cooking Tips and Advice

Have a Great Night!

Honey and Garlic Chicken Thighs (Slow Cooker Recipe)

Easy Peasy Recipe!

I took about 12 chicken thighs, put them in a pot.

Cover them with

2./3 cup of honey

3/4 Cup Heinz Chili Sauce

1 cup Soy Sauce

Several TBS of Minced Garlic


Cook in a slow cooker on high for 6 hours.


In an Oven in a large enough pot that the chicken is in one layer.  at 325 degrees for 3-4 hours.  cover with foil, making sure to crinkle at sides, so no steam escapes. Don’t open for at least 2 hours after beginning cooking.


Serve over rice


Things my daughter said as I was breading chicken

English: Intricate sand castle sculpture, appr...

 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So as you saw my little helper, my 2 1/2 year old daughter was helping me yesterday. More or less spreading flour around. Which she called making “sand castles”. Don’t ask me where she got that from.

Now when you are breading chicken, what comes to mind? Sticky, flour encrusted hands, that everything you touch afterwards is covered in a nasty filmy flour.

Does Sand castles seem a little odd? I guess it can seem like your playing in “sand.”

Then she proceeded to point at the chicken pieces and call them fish. I pointed out that they were chicken, but she said no it’s fish. Laughing all the while.

A day-old chick

A day-old chick (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A hot fish sandwich from Bolton's Spicy Chicke...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Leave it to my daughter to make breading chicken an interesting experience.

I would say it is an experience, quite an experience, attempting to do anything in the kitchen with a toddler.  She makes things interesting, Why this, why that?  What you doing mommy…. A constant thing I hear every day.

So trying to get down to her level and explain things, well you get sand castles and fish.

Have a great weekend!
