First sprouts of life (yes corny)

Herb Pot, Its either Parsley, or Dill or Rosemary or Basil

Herb Pot, Its either Parsley, or Dill or Rosemary or Basil

Our Starter with a bunch of different Vegetables. Not sure what it is that sprouted.

Our Starter with a bunch of different Vegetables. Not sure what it is that sprouted.

Look after all the yucky somewhat cold weather there is signs of life in the pots and the starter containers. Even if it is this teeny weeny speck. (Sorry Pictures arent awesome catching the little tiny sprouts)


And let’s not forget the pretty flowers we put in the planters..

Purple Flower Red flower

As I told you before I am a gardening Virgin. So even a little speck is exciting. Now I will will them to live.